Gerald Morse
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Morgantown, PA 19543
Professional Profile
Author, Website Designer, and Senior Development Manager supporting multiple clients for a large integrated banking system.
- Author of hundreds of articles and two books
- Designer and manager of multiple websites
- Experienced working with clients worldwide providing programming and technical support for mission critical applications
- Managed multiple departments with direct responsibility for 50+ employees
- Managed programming teams supporting backend, front end and middleware applications
- Very adaptable with experience from single projects to managing large complex organizations
- Comfortable discussing issues with senior internal and client management
- Integrated and managed large offshore teams
Professional Accomplishments
Continuously advancing career of professional accomplishments and proven track record
- Author of hundreds of articles on computers, programming, self-development, retirement, business, and personal finance.
- Author of two computer related business books, with others in process.
- Managed programming support for multiple large online banks, including AMEX, Barclays, Schwab, Ameriprise, Goldman Sachs, Etrade, John Deere, and many others utilizing PROFILE integrated banking system
- Responsible for full development life cycle in both Waterfall and Agile environments
- Introduced and enforced strict code review and unit testing policies, including offshore integration
- Successfully managed programming support activities during merger with large Fortune 500 company
- Established and managed group to build custom client applications
- Managed Regulatory and Compliance group responsible for all mandated changes for various clients
- Managed Security and Vulnerabilities group responsible for all required coding changes
- Moved family and lived offshore for extended period (Portugal)
- Reduced client defect backlogs by 70%
- Managed integrated onshore and offshore staff
- Assisted with programming support setup for the FIS Modern Banking Platform, a next generation integrated banking solution
2020 – Present
Author, Website Designer and Manager, Morse Digital Labs
Morgantown, PA
2004 – 2020
Senior Development Manager, FIS , Collegeville, PA
Sanchez Computer Associates (merged with FIS)
Development Manager, Malvern, PA
Eastern College, Organizational Management
Penn State Certification UNIX, C, C++, Java
Numerous courses, seminars, and workshops, technical and management related
Technical Skills
Familiarity with Java, Mumps, PSL, Xpress, C, C++, Python, HTML, Javascript, NodeJS, MS Office, Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, Notepad++, Atom, WordPress, Divi, and many others
Available upon request