What Did I Like At 13?

Photo by Karthik Balakrishnan on Unsplash I have read that if you want to decide what to do with yourself look at what you enjoyed when you were 13.  This can give you hints as to your career, hobbies, or simply ideas you want to pursue. So, What did I care about...

How to Learn to Program

Photo by Florian Olivo on Unsplash Why Learn to Program Learning to program is a skill I think most people should learn, regardless of whether they want to make it their career.  Learning to program teaches you how to think logically and you will find many uses...
Does Prepping Make Sense and How to Start

Does Prepping Make Sense and How to Start

What is Prepping This is not the typical article for my normally geeky self.  However all the storms, floods, and wildfires happening this summer got me thinking about prepping. Prepping has been around for decades.  It got a little more attention with a...
My Early Experiences With AI

My Early Experiences With AI

AI has taken the Internet by storm over the last several months.  I’ve just begun using OpenAI.  My experience so far is quite limited but I have gotten some initial impressions. I started by applying for my own API key.  (It was a simple...
Great YouTube Channels For Programmers

Great YouTube Channels For Programmers

I often turn to YouTube as I am learning anything new in programming.  I thought I would share some of my favorites. Tech With Tim https://www.youtube.com/c/TechWithTim Tech With Tim is one of my favorites.  I don’t know how this young guy does it.  He has dozens...